How smart startups are scaling their IT teams

3 min readAug 23, 2019

A robust IT team is the secret behind operational stability in modern businesses. If you ask us, a good IT team rarely gets the limelight — the only time you notice the tech guys is when you get into technical problem solving such as troubleshooting server down errors.

However, in addition to the hefty salary expenses, your in-house IT team may also be facing burnout, missed deadlines and may not even have the specific knowledge required to complete a particular type of project you have already taken on.

Consequently, you may end up spending extra money to minimize risks and retain finicky clients despite having IT guys on-board.

Specialization matters

You cannot ask a front-end guy to create perfectly coded CRM systems — and vice versa. Often, what happens is that many companies end up bearing extra costs to train and educate IT professionals.

There is a simple, affordable alternative to this talent challenge! Hire a remote IT team or IT recruitment agency. For many startups, this is a practical way to control expenses and stay competitive in a new market.

Contrary to popular belief, remote IT teams are affordable, skilled and highly productive. Here is what you can expect when you work with a remote IT team.

Controlled expenses

One of the top reasons why a lot of native IT teams face burnout is the lack of dedicated talent working on a particular project. If a single IT person is taking care of web development and the same guy is trying to wrestle with your internet service provider for cheaper service; neither of those jobs is being carried out to his or her fullest potential.

Burnout also leads to attrition

Remote IT teams allow you to afford specialized professionals at a lower rate. This way, you’re not asking a fish to climb up a tree! When everyone is playing to their strengths, your remote IT team can help you maintain operational stability regardless of your local employee attrition rate. This allows you to go the extra mile and impress your clients.

Competitive edge

Did you know that remote IT teams are approximately 40% more cost-effective than in-house teams?

Large corporations already have robust IT teams to help them dominate the tech market. However, small-medium enterprises (SMEs) often struggle to on-board these same resources available to big multi-level corporates.

As a result, scaling becomes a massive challenge when you have limited resources. A remote team is an affordable solution for a growing business looking to gain that extra edge in a competitive market.

Affordable Expertise

As a business owner, you are probably juggling a variety of different verticals. A dedicated IT team can reduce your burden by taking care of the technical stuff, so you can focus on growth-oriented tasks.

Offshore IT teams have access to highly educated, highly qualified individuals that can help you with complex IT processes. A remote team allows you to tap into a high level of expertise that you may not be able to access otherwise.

Time Savings

How would you like to have employees that work round-the-clock to make you money — even as you sleep?

A remote IT team allows you to manage your time better than anyone else. In addition to the high level of expertise, your remote team will likely offer out-of-hours services to ensure that your in-house team has everything in place when they punch in the next day. As a result, you save a lot of operational time. You are then free to focus on propelling the growth of your business.

When your project scales beyond your office, the culture will be set up to do the right thing naturally.

In our experience, teams that scale quickly often have strong values of structure and transparency. When your project scales beyond your native office, your organizational culture can be translated to your relationship with your remote IT team as well. You can achieve cohesive operational outcomes by thinking of your remote provider as an overseas extension of your own team.




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